Oh it's easy.. Just use the radio launchcast..
No not that one.. But it's sorta like that.. :)
Ok so let's start..
1.) First ofcourse.. ya gotta have a Yahoo! Messenger :))
Be it.. version 7, 8, or 9 whatever shit it is XD
Just get YM 9 :))
2.) Get Winamp!
Get Winamp Version 5.56
And ofcourse install afterwards...
3.) Get ym(9,8,7)_nowPlaying_v4.6 {YOU FUCKING NEED THIS!!}
And Then install it afterwards...
4.) After you install both the winamp and the now playing plugin..
Open Winamp.. Then Go To OPTIONS > PREFERENCES
Then you'll see a box like this..
5.) Then On the left side.. Look for the "General Purpose"
6.) Then Double Click "Yahoo! Messenger Now Playing 4.6 [gen_ymStatus.dll]
7.) Check "Enable Status Changing" and "Show Headphones Icon"
8.) Input $A - $T on the "Status Format..."There are alot of options on the left side (Incline Placefolders) so it's up to you to choose..
But I highly recommend $A - $T since it vaguely follows the Radio Launch Cast format..
You can also input personal status msgs. In the status format..
just press ctrl+enter to leave spaces, but I guess the spacing won't apply in ym9 so || would do.. =.="
9.) And oh yea.. I almost forgot.. click "Save" :)
then ur ym status msg. would change to this..
[View Image Here]
Gawain ng Tunay Na Lalake
9 years ago
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